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Lin-Hua Liu

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Name and title: Prof. Lin-Hua Liu

Overview: Dr. Lin-Hua Liu received his B.S. degree in Thermal Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) and completed his PhD degree from HIT with Professor Qizheng Yu. In 2004, Dr. Liu Won the National Outstanding Youth Fund and became the Changjiang Distinguished Professor. Now Prof. Liu works as a professor and dean of School of Energy and Power Engineering in Shandong University. Prof. Liu’s research work focuses on physical mechanism of thermal radiative transfer, microscopic thermophysical energy transfer, theoretical modeling and experimental study of high-temperature thermophsyical properties and first-principles simulations of optical, electrical and thermal properties of condensed matter.

Research Interests:

(1)  Numerical simulation methods of near-field thermal radiation at nanoscale

(2) Infrared characterization and recognition of moving/stationary and ground/underwater targets

(3)  High-performance energy conversion (mechanical-thermal, electro-thermal and optical-thermal properties)


1994.03-1996.02     Doctoral of Engineering, School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

1984.08-1988.07  Bachelor of Engineering, Thermal Engineering,                                Harbin Institute of Technology

2003.01-2003.02       Visiting Scholar, Hokkaido University

2003.11-2004.01       Senior Visiting Scholar, Toronto University

2012.09-2012.10       Senior Visiting Scholar, Florida Institute of Technology

Work/Research Experiences

2018.01 –       Professor, Dean

School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University

2001.08-2017.12  Professor

School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

1998.08-2001.07  Associate Professor

School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

1997.01-1998.07  Assistant Professor

School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

1989.07-1994.03  Assistant Engineer

Shanghai Power Equipment Research Institute


2000 The 7th Huoyingdong Teaching Fund Winner

2004 The National Outstanding Youth Fund Winner

2004 The Heilongjiang Outstanding Youth Fund Winner

2007 The Changjiang Distinguished Professor

2009 National Talents of 100 Million Talents in the New Century

2010 The Heilongjiang Five Four Medal Winner

Selected Publications

A) Book Chapters

1. Zhao JM, Liu LH. Radiative Transfer Equation and Solutions. A chapter in Handbook of Thermal Science and Engineering. F.A. Kulacki (ed.). Springer International Publishing AG 2017. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-32003-8_56-1

2. Liu LH, Zhao JM, Tan HP. Finite Element and Spectral Element Methods on Numerical Simulation of Thermal Radiation Transfer. Science Press 2008.

3. Liu LH, Tan HP. Numerical Simulation of Thermal Radiation Transfer in Medium with Graded Refractive Index. Science Press 2006.

B) Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

[1] Li XC, Wang CC, Zhao JM, Liu LH. Temperature-dependent optical constants of highly transparent solids determined by the combined DOPTM-EM method. Applied Optics 2018, in press.

[2] Xie BW, Dong J, Liu LH. Porous effect on the radiative properties of fly ash particles: A discrete dipole approximation investigation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2018, 204: 74-87.

[3] Liu YB, Qiu J, Zhao JM, Liu LH. General design method of ultra-broad band perfect absorbers based on magnetic polaritons. Optics Express 2017, 25(20): A980-A989.

[4] Xu M, Yang JY, Zhang SY, Liu LH. Role of electron-phonon coupling in finite temperature dielectric functions of Au, Ag and Cu. Physical Review B 2017, 96(11): 115154.

[5] Wang CC, Tan JY, Liu LH. Wavelength and concentration-dependent optical constants of NaCl, KCl, MgCl2, CaCl2 and Na2SO4 multi-component mixed-salt solutions. Applied Optics 2017, 56(27): 7662-7671.

[6] Qin Z, Zhao JM, Liu LH. Radiative transition probabilities for the main diatomic electronic systems of N2, NO, O2, CO, CO+, CN, C2 and H2 producing in plasma of atmospheric entry. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2017, 202: 286-301.

[7] Xu XD, Liu BY, Zhao WY, Jiang YY, Liu LH, Li WQ, Zhang GL and Tian WQ. Mechanism of mechanically induced optoelectronic and spintronic phase transitions in 1D graphene spirals: insight into the role of interlayer coupling. Nanoscale 2017, 9: 9693-9700.

[8] Wang CC, Tan JY, Ma YQ, Liu LH. Infrared optical constants of liquid palm oil and palm oil biodiesel determined by the combined ellipsometry-transmission method. Applied Optics 2017, 56(18): 5156-5163.

[9] Li XC, Zhao JM, Liu LH, Zhang L. Optical extinction characteristics of three biofuel production microalgae determined by a new method. Particuology 2017, 33: 1-10.

[10] Dong J, Zhao JM, Liu LH. Near-field Radiative Heat Transfer between Clusters of Dielectric Nanoparticles. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2017, 197: 114-122.

[11] Wang CC, Tan JY, Liu LH. Ab initio molecular dynamics study of temperature and pressure-dependent infrared dielectric functions of liquid methanol. AIP Advances 2017, 7(3): 035115.

[12] Dong J, Zhao JM, Liu LH. Radiative heat transfer in many-body systems: coupled electric and magnetic dipole approach. Physical Review B 2017, 95(12): 125411.

[13] Liu YB, Qiu J, Liu LH. High Reflectance of Artificial Opals and Engineering Applications. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 2017, 139(7): 052702.

[14] Xu XD, Tian RH, Wang Q, Li WQ, Jiang YY, Zhou X, Zhang GL, Liu LH, Tian WQ. Spatial manipulating spin-polarization and tunneling patterns in graphene spirals via periphery structural modification. Carbon 2017, 113: 325-333

[15] Li XC, Wang CC, Zhao JM, Liu LH. A new method for determining the optical constants of highly transparent solids.Applied Spectroscopy 2017, 71(1): 70-77.

[16] Yang JY, Xu M, Liu LH. Infrared Radiative Properties of Alumina up to the Melting Point: A First-Principles Study. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2016, 184: 111-117.

[17] Yang JY, Liu LH. Effects of interlayer screening and temperature on dielectric functions of graphene by first-principles.Journal of Applied Physics 2016, 120(3): 034305

[18] Xu M, Yang JY, Liu LH. Thermal conductivity and dielectric functions of alkali chloride XCl (X=Li, Na, K and Rb): A first-principles study. Materials Research Express 2016, 3(7): 075006

[19] Wang CA, Ma LX, Tan JY, Liu LH. Study of radiative transfer in 1D densely packed bed layer containing absorbing-scattering spherical particles. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 102: 669-678

[20] Qiu J, Ran DF, Liu YB, Liu LH. Investigation of ellipsometric parameters of 2D micro-rough surfaces by FDTD. Applied Optics 2016, 55(20): 5423-5431

[21] Qiu J, Ran DF, Liu LH, Hsu PF. Mueller matrix of specular reflection by an aluminum grating surface with oxide nano-film.Applied Spectroscopy 2016, 70(6) : 1009-1017.

[22] Liu YB, Jin R, Qiu J, Liu LH. Spectral radiative properties of a nickel porous microstructure and magnetic polariton resonance for light trapping. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2016, 98: 833-844.

[23] Zhang L, Zhao JM, Liu LH. A new stabilized finite element formulation for solving radiative transfer equation. ASME Journal Heat Transfer 2016, 138(6): 064502.

[24] Dong J, Zhao JM, Liu LH. Effect of spine-like surface structures on the radiative properties of microorganism. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2016, 173: 49-64.

[25] Ma CY, Zhao JM, Liu LH, Zhang L, Li XC, Jiang BC. GPU-accelerated inverse identification of radiative properties of particle suspensions in liquid by the Monte Carlo method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2016, 172: 146-159.

[26] Xu XD, Li WQ, Liu LH, Feng JK, Jiang YY, Tian WQ. Implementation of Outstanding Electronic Transport in Polar Covalent Boron Nitride Atomic Chains: another Extraordinary Odd-Even Behaviour. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 26389

[27] Yang JY, Liu LH. Temperature-dependent dielectric functions in atomically thin graphene, silicene, and arsenene. Applied Physics Letters 2015, 107(9): 091902.

[28] Feng R, Qiu J, Cao YY, Liu LH, Ding WQ, Chen LX. Wide-angle and polarization independent perfect absorber based on one-dimensional fabrication-tolerant stacked array. Optics Express 2015, 23(16): 21023-21031

[29] Dong J, Zhao JM, Liu LH. Morphological effects on the radiative properties of soot aerosols in different internally mixing states with sulfate. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2015, 165: 43–55

[30] Yang JY, Zhang WJ, Liu LH. Anisotropic dielectric functions of (0001) sapphire from spectroscopic and first-principles study. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2015, 473: 35-41.

[31] Li XC, Zhao JM, Liu LH, Tan JY. Optical properties of edible oils within spectral range from 300 to 2500 nm determined by double optical pathlength transmission method. Applied Optics 2015, 54(13): 3886-3893.

[32] Zhang WJ, Qiu J. Liu LH. Deviation Characteristics of Specular Reflectivity of Micro-Rough Surface from Fresnel's Equation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2015,160: 50-62.

[33] Bai Y, Zhao L, Ju DQ, Jiang YY, Liu LH. Wide-angle, polarization-independent and dual-band infrared perfect absorber based on L-shaped metamaterial. Optics Express 2015, 23(7): 8670–8680.

[34] Bai Y, Jiang YY, Liu LH. Multi-band near-field radiative heat transfer between two anisotropic fishnet metamaterials. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2015, 158: 36-42.

[35] Qiu J, Liu LH, Hsu PF. Thermal Radiation in Subwavelength Aluminum Foam Structures by Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2015, 158: 101-110.

[36] Li XC, Liu LH, Zhao JM, Tan JY. Optical properties of sodium chloride solution within spectral range from 300 to 2500 nm at room temperature. Applied Spectroscopy 2015, 69(5), 635-640.

[37] Bai Y, Jiang YY, Liu LH. Enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer between a nanosphere and a hyperbolic metamaterial mediated by coupled surface phonon polaritons. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2015, 158: 61-68.

[38] Yang JY, Liu LH, Tan JY. First-principles study on dielectric function of isolated and bundled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2015, 158: 78-83.

[39] Zhao JM, Tan JY, Liu LH. Monte Carlo method for polarized radiative transfer in gradient-index media. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2015,152: 114–126.

[40] Feng R, Qiu J, Cao YY, Liu LH, Ding WQ, Chen LX. Omnidirectional and polarization insensitive nearly perfect absorber in one-dimensional meta-structure. Applied Physics Letter 2014, 105(18): 181102.

[41] Feng R, Qiu J, Liu LH, Ding WQ, Chen LX. Parallel LC circuit model for multi-band absorption and preliminary design of radiative cooling. Optics Express 2014, 22(S7): A1713-A1724.

[42] Bai Y, Jiang YY, Liu LH. Role of surface plasmon polaritons on the enhancement of the near-field thermal radiation from fishnet metamaterial. J. Phys. D: Applied Physics 2014, 47(44): 445304.

[43] Yang JY, Zhang WJ, Liu LH, Qiu J, Wang K, Tan JY. Temperature-dependent infrared dielectric functions of MgO crystal: An ellipsometry and first-principles molecular dynamics study. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2014, 141:104703.

[44] Qiu J., Zhang W. J., Liu LH, Hsu PF, Liu LJ. Reflective Properties of Random Roughness Surfaces under Large Incidence Angles, Journal of  the Optical Society of America A 2014, 31(6): 1251-1258.

[45] Yang JY, Liu LH, Tan JY. Temperature-dependent dielectric function of germanium in the UV-vis spectral range: A first-principles study. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2014, 141: 24-30.

[46] Yang JY, Liu LH, Tan JY. First-principles molecular dynamics study on temperature-dependent dielectric function of bulk 3C and 6H SiC in the energy range 2-8 eV. Physica B-Condensed Matter 2014, 436: 182-187.

[47] Feng R, Ding WQ, Liu LH. Dual-band infrared perfect absorber based on asymmetric T-shaped plasmonic array. Optics Express 2014, 22(S2): A335-A343.

[48] Qiu J, Hsu PF, Liu LH. Infrared radiative properties of two-dimensional square optical black holes with materials of insulators and semiconductors. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer2014, 132: 99-108.

[49] Jiao Y, Liu LH, Hsu PF. Spectral radiative property control method based on filling solution. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2014, 132: 61-69.

[50] Jiao Y, Liu LH, Hsu PF. Widening absorption band of grating structure with complex dual-groove grating.ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 2013, 135(3): 032701.

[51] Zhao JM, Tan JY, Liu LH. A second order radiative transfer equation and its solution by meshless method with application to strongly inhomogeneous media. Journal of Computational Physics 2013, 232(1): 431-455.

[52] Liu J, Liu LH. First-principles Study of Temperature-dependent Optical Properties of Semiconductors from Ultraviolet to Infrared Regions. Journal of Applied  Physics, 2012, 111(8): 083508.

[53] Zhao JM, Tan JY, Liu LH. A deficiency problem of the least squares finite element method for solving radiative transfer in strongly inhomogeneous media. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2012, 113(12): 1488-1502.

[54] Zhao JM, Tan JY, Liu LH, On the Derivation of Vector Radiative Transfer Equation for Polarized Radiative Transport in Graded Index Media, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2012, 113(3): 239-250.

[55] Qiu J, Liu LH, Hsu PF. Oxide-Film Effect on Infrared Radiative Properties of Grating Structures of Aluminum. AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 2011, 25(1): 80-86.

[56] Qiu J, Liu LH, Hsu PF. FDTD Analysis of Infrared Radiative Properties of Microscale Structure Aluminum Surfaces. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy  and  Radiative Transfer 2010, 111(12-13): 1912-1920.

[57] Makhanlall D, Liu LH, Zhang HC, SLA (Second-law analysis) of Transient Radiative Transfer Processes. Energy 2010, 35(12): 5151-5160

[58] Chu SX, Liu LH, Analysis of Terrestrial Solar Radiation Exergy. Solar Energy 2009, 83(8): 1390-1404.

[59] Liu LH, Hsu PF. Analysis of Transient Radiative Transfer in Semitransparent Graded Index Medium.Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2007, 105(3): 357-376.

[60] Liu LH, Chu SX. Radiative Exergy Transfer Equation. AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 2007, 21(4): 819-822.

[61] Zhao JM, Liu LH. Second Order Radiative Transfer Equation and Its Properties of Numerical Solution Using Finite Element Method. Numerical Heat Transfer,  Part B 2007, 51(3): 391-409.

[62] Liu LH, Chu SX. Verification of numerical simulation method for entropy generation of radiation heat transfer in semitransparent medium. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2007, 103(1): 43-56.

[63] Liu LH, Chu SX. On the Entropy Generation Formula of Radiation Heat Transfer, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 2006, 128(5): 504-506.

[64] Liu LH. Finite volume method for radiation heat transfer in graded index medium. AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 2006, 20(1): 59-66.

[65] Liu LH. Backward Monte Carlo Method Based on Radiation Distribution Factor. AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 2004, 18(1): 151-153.

ContactProf. Lin-Hua Liu

E-mail: liulinhua@sdu.edu.cn


Office: Room 309

Address: Building K1, Binhai Road 72, Aoshanwei Town, Jimo District, QingdaoChina

Copyright Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science,Shandong University

Address:324 East Building,Huagang Count,72 Jimobinhai Road,Qingdao City,Shandong Province

Zip code:266237 Tel:(0532)58630258 E-mail:qyy@sdu.edu.cn