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Zhen Xu

Release date : Jul 2, 2020 office viewed :

Name and title: Associate Prof. Zhen Xu

Overview: Born in Zibo, Shandong Province, 1977, PH.D., Master’s Supervisor

Research Interests:

(1) New Energy and Distributed Energy System;

(2) Efficient Utilization technology of Waste Heat


2003.9-2006.7 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics;

2000.9-2003.7 Ocean University of China, Master in Environmental Engineering

1995.9-1999.7 Qingdao Institute of Chemical Technology, Bachelor in Chemical Equipment and Machinery

Work/Research Experiences

2014.7-present Shandong University

2006.7-2014.6 Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Selected Grants

  More than 20 research subjects were undertook in recent years, as follows:

(1) Subject of national major project of aero engine and gas turbine, Integrated high efficiency and low resistance after-cooling-humidifying technology, 2018.6-2022.12.

(2) Key research and development program of Shandong province, Energy saving technology of gas-fired boiler based on wet regeneration, 2017.1-2019.12.

(3) National natural science foundation, Falling film absorption mechanism of wet flue gas on horizontal pipe, 2011.1-2013.12.

(4) Subject of major projects of national high-tech research and development plan, Power system technology in cogeneration of oil and electricity, 2006.12-2012.12.

(5) Project of national high-tech research and development plan, Key technologies for combing cooling, heat and power based on wet cycle, 2007.9-2011.12.

Supervisionfour supervisors and two graduates.

Selected Publications

A) Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

(1) Zhen Xu, Yuan Lu, Bo Wang, et al. Experimental evaluation of 100kW grade micro humid air turbine cycles converted from a microturbine. Energy, 2019, 175: 687-693

(2) Zhen Xu, Yingchun Xie, Feng Zhang. Development of mass transfer coefficient correlation for a ceramic foam packing humidifier at elevated pressure. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 133: 560-565

(3) Zhen Xu, Yingchun Xie, Yunhan Xiao. A compact packing humidifier for the micro humid air turbine cycle: Design method and experimental. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 125: 727-734.

(4) Yingchun Xie, Zhen Xu*, Ning Mei. Evaluation of the effectiveness-NTU method for countercurrent humidifier. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 99: 1270-1276

(5) Zhen Xu, Yuan Lu, Yingchun Xie. Hydrodynamic and heat and mass transfer performances of novel ceramic foam packing to humidification tower. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 87: 707-713

(6) Zhen Xu, Wenqian Sun, Yuan Lu, Yunhan Xiao, Yingchun Xie. Experimental study of falling-film mode transitions between horizontal tubes in CaCl2 water absorber. Journal of Thermal Science, 2014, 23(4): 338-345

(7) Xu Z, Xiao Y, Wang Y. Experimental and theoretical studies on air humidification by a water spray at elevated pressure. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007, 27: 2549-2588.


E-mail: xuzhen@sdu.edu.cn

Office: K1-305, Qingdao campus of Shandong University

Address: No.72 Binhai Road, Jimo District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province

Copyright Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science,Shandong University

Address:324 East Building,Huagang Count,72 Jimobinhai Road,Qingdao City,Shandong Province

Zip code:266237 Tel:(0532)58630258 E-mail:qyy@sdu.edu.cn