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Dr. Yao Chen is a professor at Shandong University(SDU). He was born in Shandong in 1975. He received his B.S. in space physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1997. From 2001 to 2004, he was a pre-doctoral fellow at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. He received his PhD degree in space physics at USTC in 2004, and then promoted there as an associate professor. In 2005, he took a three-month academic visit to Harvard-Smithsonian CfA. He was employed as a full professor ofSDU-Weihaisince 2007.

He is one of the main founders of solar and space physics at Shandong University. He serves asthe firstexecutive director ofInstitute of Space Sciences, SDU (ISS-SDU,since July 2013), the vice dean of School of Space Science and PhysicsatSDU-Weihai (since June 2011); he is the mainfounder and PI of Laboratory for ElectromAgnetic Detection (LEAD, since 2017.12) which is aimed at developing state-of-the-art technology and instrument for radio bursts in the solar-terrestrial space; he is the founder and first director of Center for Integrated Research on Space Science, Astronomy, and Physics, Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science at Qingdao, Shandong University (CIRs-IFIS-SDU, since 2019.5).

He was awardedtheJeoujang JawOutstanding Young Science Award in Space Physics (2017), theYouth Innovation Award in Space Weather Science and Technology(2016),the May-Fourth Youth Award (Nomination) of Shandong Province (2014), the Excellent Teacher Award from the Bao Gang Education Foundation (2012), the Fu Min Xing Lu Labour Award from Shandong Province (2012), the Basu Early Career Award in Sun-Earth systems Science from the AGU-SPA section (2008), the Youth Award in Science and Technology from Shandong Province (2008), and theExcellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of China from the Ministry of Education of China (2006), etc.

His primary research area is coronal dynamics, of particular interests are physical processes relevant to solarradiobursts and solareruptions. He published more than100 papers in SCI-indexed journals, including~50ones in prestigious journals like ApJ(L), JGR, and SolPhys as the first or corresponding author. He received more than 1200 citations. He published a textbook <<Elementary Plasma Physics>> which has been selected as one of the 13th Five-Year Project of National Important Publications.He was supported by the NNSFC Grant for Outstanding Young Scholars (2008), and is the PI of a state key project of NNSFC (since 2014)as well as other projects.

Solar eruptions, including flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), represent the most dramatic energy release in the solar system. As the origin of catastrophic space weather events, they can cause sudden and intensive enhancement of electro-magnetic radiations, release of energetic particles, and fast ejection of large-scale magnetized plasmoids. Dr. CHEN performed a long-term investigation on coronal dynamics, including streamer activities, accelerations of the slow wind, mechanisms of solar eruptions and particle accelerations as well as accompanying radio bursts. He developed a two-fluid coronal-solar wind model energized by the dissipation of Alfvén waves, and reported the stagnation of minor ions in the slow wind. He discovered a periodic instability of coronal streamers leading to a novel mechanism of the generation of streamer blobs. He pointed out that the ideal flux-rope instabilities and dissipative magnetic reconnections can have comparable contribution to the CME energization, while the former alone can lead to a fast successful eruption. He discovered the streamer wave, the largest coronal wave phenomenon ever reported, and developed a novel seismological technique to infer the magnetic field strength along streamer belts. He proposed that the large-scale closed magnetic field in the corona may play an important role in accelerating electrons via shocks and the generation of type-II radio bursts. He found critical observational evidence for magnetic breakout, one leading theory of CME initiation.

Prof.Dr. Yao CHEN

School of Space Science and Physics

Shandong University at Weihai

Weihai, Shandong, China 264209

Tel: +86-631-5673638

Fax: +86-631-5673638

Mobile: 13863071803


Researcher ID:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-7255-2011

Blog in Sciencenet.cn:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Yaochen

Research Interests

Physics of solar eruptions,solar radio bursts, particle acceleration

Educational Background


Predoctoral Fellow, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)


Ph.D. in Solar-Terrestrial SpacePhysics, Univ. Sci. & Technol. Of China (USTC)


B. S. in Solar-Terrestrial SpacePhysics, USTC

Employment History



Executive Director, Institute of Space Sciences, Shandong University

Professor, School of Space Science and Physics, Shandong Univ. at Weihai


Visiting Scientist, SSP Division, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA


Associate Professor, School of Earth and Space Science, USTC

Teaching Experience

Introduction to Plasma Physics (2007-2012)

Introduction to Solar-Terrestrial Physics (2005, 2006)

Professional Societies

Regular member: AGU, AAS, COSPAR, AOGS

Committee Member for Space Weather Science, Chinese Geophysical Society (2008 - ), Committee Member of AGU-CIP (Committee on International Participation, 2010-2014)


2017 Jeoujang JawOutstanding Young Science Award (Space Physics)

2016 Youth Innovation Award in Space Weather Science and Technology

2014 May-Fourth Youth Award (Nomination) of Shandong Province

2012 Excellent Teacher Award, BaoGang Education Foundation

2012 Excellent Teacher Award,Shandong University

2012 Fu Min Xing Lu Labour Award,Shandong Province

2008 Basu Early Career Award in Sun-Earth systems Science, SPA/AGU

2008 Supported by the NNSFC Grant for Outstanding Young Scholars

2008 Youth Award in Science and Technology,Shandong Province

2006 Elected in Program for New Century Excellent Talentsin

Universities, Ministry of Education of China

2006Young Faculty Career Award, USTC Alumni Foundation

2006Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of China

2005Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, CAS

2001QiuShi Scholarshipfor Graduate Students

2000Award in Memory of C.C.Cheng, Beijing Astronomical Obs.



1. Elementary Plasma Physics,YaoCHEN, Beijing:SciencePress,2019.07,21.

Papers Published in Academic Journals


1.Ni S L.,Chen Y. *,Li C Y., et al., Plasma emission induced by electron cyclotron maser instability in solar plasmas with a large ratio of plasma to gyrofrequency, ApJL, Letters, 891:L25 (8pp), 2020,https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/ab7750.

2.Zheng, R. S.,Chen Y.,and Wang B., The initiation of a solar streamer blowout coronal mass ejection arising fromthe streamer flank, ApJL, accepted, 2020.


3.Guiping Ruan, Sonja Jejčič, Brigitte Schmieder, Pierre Mein, Nicole Mein, Petr Heinzel, Stanislav Gunár, andYao Chen, Diagnostics of the Prominence Plasma from Hαand MgII Spectral Observations, The Astrophysical Journal, 883:52 (17pp), 2019 September 20 https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab3657

4.Guiping Ruan, Sonja Jejčič, Brigitte Schmieder, Pierre Mein, Nicole Mein, Petr Heinzel, Stanislav Gunár, andYao ChenDiagnostics of the Prominence Plasma from Hαand MgII Spectral Observations,The Astrophysical Journal, 886:134 (14pp), 2019 December 1 https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab4b50

5.Xiangliang Kong (孔祥良), Fan Guo (郭帆), Chengcai Shen (沈呈彩), Bin Chen (陈彬),Yao Chen (陈耀), Sophie Musset, Lindsay Glesener, Peera Pongkitiwanichakul, andJoe Giacalone, THE ACCELERATION AND CONFINEMENT OF ENERGETIC ELECTRONS BY A TERMINATION SHOCK IN A MAGNETIC TRAP: AN EXPLANATION FOR NONTHERMALLOOP-TOP SOURCES DURING SOLAR FLARES, Accepted by ApJL, 2019.

6.H. Q. Song, J. Zhang, L. P. Li, Y. D. Liu, B. Zhu, B. Wang, R. S. Zheng, andY. Chen,The Structure of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections in the Extreme-ultraviolet Passbands, The Astrophysical Journal, 887:124 (8pp), 2019 December 20

7.H. Q. Song, J. Zhang, X. Cheng, L. P. Li, Y. Z. Tang, B. Wang, R. S. Zheng, andY. Chen, On the Nature of the Bright Core of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections,The Astrophysical Journal, 883:43 (8pp), 2019 September 20 https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab304c.

8.Xiangliang Kong, Fan Guo,Yao Chen,and Joe Giacalone,The Acceleration of Energetic Particles at Coronal Shocks and Emergence of a DoublePower-law Feature in Particle Energy Spectra, The Astrophysical Journal, 883:49 (12pp), 2019 September 20 https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab3848.

9.Hao Ning,Yao Chen*, Jeongwoo Lee, Zhao Wu, Yang Su, Xiang-Liang Kong,Broken-up Spectra of the Loop-top Hard X-ray Source during aSolar Limb Flare, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2019,Res. Astron. Astrophys. 19 173

10.Chuanyang Li,Yao Chen*,Xiangliang Kong,M. Hosseinpour,and Bing Wang, Effect of the temperature of background plasma and the energy of energetic electrons on Z-mode excitation,The Astrophysical Journal, 880:31 (10pp), 2019 July 20,https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab270f.

11.刘睿,陈耀,邓元勇,丁明德,季海生,林隽,田晖,汪毓明,汪景琇,中国太阳物理学研究进展,科学通报,2019年第64卷第19期: 2011 ~ 2024.

12.日冕磁场与等离子体综合探测望远镜,COronal Magnetism and Plasma ASsembled Scopes(COMPASS),屈中权,黎辉,钟悦,梁昱,宋智明,章海鹰,张红鑫,陈耀,田晖,程鑫,夏利东,李波,陈波,闫晓理,刘睿,申成龙,封莉,侯俊峰,李昊,李臻and李少英,中国科学:物理学力学天文学49, 059606 (2019); doi: 10.1360/SSPMA2018-00304.

13.杜清府,程仁君,陈昌硕,李昕,张军蕊,冯士伟,苏艳蕊,陈耀,严发宝,太阳射电观测系统多通道变频电路一致性补偿方法与实现,中国科学:技术科学; doi: 10.1360/N092018-00408,http://engine.scichina.com/doi/10.1360/N092018-00408

14.Ruisheng Zheng, Shuhong Yang, Changhui Rao, Yangyi Liu, Libo Zhong, Bing Wang, Hongqiang Song, Zhen Li, andYao Chen, A Confined Partial Eruption of Double-decker Filaments, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 875, Number 1

15.Wang B,Chen Y*, Hu Q, et al. A method of forced extrapolation of the global magnetic field in the solar corona. Sci China Tech Sci, 2019, 62,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11431-018-9470-y

16.Guang Lu, Wei Wang, Fabao Yan, Chao Diao, Xiachen Zhou, Zhao Wu, Fen Liu, Yong Sun, Guiqiang Du, andYao Chen, Large Area Subwavelength Cavity Antenna with planar Metamaterials,AIP Advances 9, 025032(2019),https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5089666

17.Ruisheng Zheng, Zhike Xue,Yao Chen, Bing Wang, and Hongqiang Song,The Initial Morphologies of the Wavefronts of Extreme Ultraviolet WavesThe Astrophysical Journal, 871:232 (9pp), 2019 February 1,https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aaf9b0.

18.Zhao Wu,Yao Chen*,Hao Ning,and Xiangliang Kong,Gyrosynchrotron Emission Generated by Nonthermal Electrons with the Energy Spectraof a Broken Power Law,The Astrophysical Journal, 871:22 (11pp), 2019 January 20,https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aaf474

19.V. Vasanth,Yao Chen*, Chuanyang Li, Shiwei Feng, and Guohui Du, Source Imaging of a Moving Type-IV Solar Radio Burst and its Role inTracking Coronal Mass Ejection From the Inner to the Outer Corona, The Astrophysical Journal, 870:30 (11pp), 2019 January 1,https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aaeffd


20.Koval, A.,Chen, Y., Stanislavsky, A.,Kashcheyev, A., & Zhang, Q.-H. (2018).Simulation of focusing effect oftraveling ionospheric disturbanceson meter-decameter solar dynamicspectra. Journal of GeophysicalResearch: Space Physics,123, 8940–8950,https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JA025584

21.Mahboub Hosseinpour,Yao Chen, and Seiji Zenitani, On the effect of parallel shear flow on the plasmoid instability,Physics of Plasmas 25, 102117 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5061818

22.Guiping Ruan, Brigitte Schmieder, Pierre Mein, Nicole Mein, Nicolas Labrosse, Stanislav Gunár, andYao Chen,On the Dynamic Nature of a Quiescent Prominence Observed by IRIS and MSDPSpectrographs, The Astrophysical Journal, 865:123 (15pp), 2018 October 1 https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aada08

23.H. Q. Song, Z. J. Zhou, L. P. Li, X. Cheng, J. Zhang,Y. Chen, C. X. Chen, X. W. Ma, B. Wang, and R. S. Zheng,The Reversal of a Solar Prominence Rotation aboutIts Ascending Direction during a Failed Eruption,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 864:L37 (6pp), 2018 September 10

24.Guohui Du,Yao Chen*, Chunming Zhu, Chang Liu, Lili Ge, Bing Wang, Chuanyang Li,Haimin Wang,Formation of Large Scale Coronal Loops Interconnecting Two Active RegionsThrough Gradual Magnetic Reconnection and Associated Heating Process,The Astrophysical Journal, 860:40, 2018 Jun.10,https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/aac5da

25.Junrui Zhang, Lizhong SONG, Qingfu DU,Yao CHEN, A wideband digital polarization synthesis method, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-aided Engineering, 2018,DOI: 10.1002/mmce.21411

26.Ruisheng Zheng,Yao Chen,Shiwei Feng,Bing Wang,Hongqiang SongAn extreme ultraviolet wave generating upward secondary waves in a streamer-like solar structure,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 858:L1 (7pp), 2018 May 1,https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/aabe87

27.Hong-Qiang Song,Yao Chen, Jiong Qiu, Chang-Xue Chen, Jie Zhang, Xin Cheng, Yuan-Deng Shen, and Rui-Sheng Zheng,The Acceleration Process of a Solar Quiescent Filament in the Inner Corona,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 857:L21 (7pp), 2018 April 20,https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8213/aabcc3

28.Hongyu Liu,Yao Chen,Kyungsuk Cho,Shiwei Feng,Veluchamy Vasanth,Artem Koval,Guohui Du,Zhao Wu,Chuanyang Li,A Solar Stationary Type IV Radio Burstand Its Radiation Mechanism,Solar Phys (2018) 293:58,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11207-018-1280-y

29.Shi Wei Feng,Yao Chen, C. Y. Li, B. Wang, Z. Wu, X. L. Kong, Q. F. Du, J. R. Zhang, G. Q. Zhao, Harmonics of Solar Radio Spikes at Metric Wavelengths, Solar Phys (2018) 293:39,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11207-018-1263-z.

30.Ning Hao,Yao Chen*,Zhao Wu,Yang Su, Hui Tian, Gang Li,Guohui Du,andHongqiang Song, Two-stage energy release process of a confined flare with double HXR peaks,the Astrophysical Journal, 854:178 (12pp), 2018 February 20.

31.Zhenghua Huang, Lidong Xia, Chris J. Nelson, Jiajia Liu, Thomas Wiegelmann, Hui Tian,James A. Klimchuk,Yao Chen, and Bo Li,Magnetic Braids in Eruptions of a Spiral Structure in the Solar Atmosphere,The Astrophysical Journal, 854:80 (13pp), 2018 February 20.


32.Maoshui Lv,Yao Chen*, Chuanyang Li, et al., Sources of a multi-lane type-II solar radio burst on 5 Nov. 2014, Sol Phys (2017) 292: 194.

33.Xiangliang Kong, Fan Guo, Joe Giacalone, Hui Li, andYao Chen, The acceleration of high-energy protons at coronal shocks: the effect of large-scale streamer-like magnetic field structures, the Astrophysical Journal, 851:38 (9pp), 2017 December 10

34.Qing-Fu Du, Lei Chen, Yue-Chang Zhao, Xin Li, Yan Zhou, Jun-Rui Zhang, Fa-Bao Yan, Shi-Wei Feng, Chuan-Yang Li,Yao Chen, A Solar Radio Dynamic Spectrograph with Flexible Temporal-spectral Resolution, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2017, 17, 098.

35.Hong-Qiang Song, Xin Cheng,Yao Chen, Jie Zhang, Bing Wang, Le-Ping Li, Bo Li, Qiang Hu, and Gang Li, The Three-Part Structure of A Filament-Unrelated Solar Coronal Mass Ejection, The Astrophysical Journal, 848:21 (7pp), 2017 October 10.

36.Artem Koval,Yao CHEN, Aleksander Stanislavsky, Qing-He Zhang, Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances as Huge Natural Lenses: Solar Radio Emission Focusing Effect, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/2017JA024080.

37.Yao Chen*, Zhao Wu, Wei Liu, Richard A. Schwartz, Di Zhao, Bing Wang and Guohui Du, Double Coronal X-ray and Microwave Sources Associated With A Magnetic Breakout Solar Eruption, ApJ, 843:8 (10pp), 2017 July 1.

38.C.Y. Li,Y. Chen*, W. Bing, G.P. Ruan, S.W. Feng, G.H. Du, X.L. Kong, EUV and Magnetic Activities Associated with Type-I Solar Radio Bursts, Solar Phys (2017) 292:82, DOI 10.1007/s11207-017-1108-1.

39.Ruisheng Zheng,Yao Chen, Bing Wang, Gang Li and Yongyuan Xiang, Interchange reconnection associated with a confined filament eruption: Implications for the source of transient cold-dense plasma in solar winds, The Astrophysical Journal, 840:3 (9pp), 2017.

40.Hongqiang Song,Yao Chen, et al., The Origin of Solar Filament Plasma Inferred from in situ Observations of Elemental Abundances, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 836:L11 (7pp), 2017.

41.Ruisheng Zheng, Qingmin Zhang,Yao Chen, et al., Interaction of Two Filaments in a Long Filament Channel Associated with Twin Coronal Mass Ejections, ApJ, Volume 836, Issue 2, article id. 160, (9pp), 2017.


42.Xiangliang Kong,Yao Chen, Shiwei Feng, Guohui Du, Chuanyang Li, Artem Koval,V. Vasanth, Bing Wang, Fan Guo, and Gang Li,Observation of a metric type N solar radio burst, ApJ, 830:37, 2016.

43.V. Vasanth,Yao Chen*, Shiwei Feng, Suli Ma, Guohui Du, Hongqiang Song,Xiangliang Kong, and Bing Wang,An Eruptive Hot-Channel Structure Observed at MetricWavelength as a Moving Type-IV Solar Radio Burst, ApJL,830:L2 (8pp), 2016.

44.Bing Wang,Yao Chen*, Jie Fu, Bo Li, Xing Li, and Wei Liu,Dynamics of a prominence-horn structure during its evaporation in the solarcorona,ApJL, 827:L33, 2016.

45.Shiwei Feng,Yao Chen*, Hongqiang Song, Bing Wang, and Xiangliang Kong,An imaging study of a complexsolarcoronal radio eruption, ApJ, 827, L9, 2016

46.A.A. Koval,A.A. Stanislavsky,Y. Chen,S. W. Feng,A.A. Konovalenko, and Ya.S. Volvach,DECAMETER STATIONARY TYPE IV BURST IN IMAGING OBSERVATIONSON THE 6TH OF SEPTEMBER 2014, ApJ, 826:125, 2016.

47.Chunlin Tian,Yao Chen, Numerical simulations of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability: a two-dimensional parametric study,The Astrophysical Journal, 824:60 (10pp), 2016.

48.Ruisheng Zheng,Yao Chen, and Bing Wang,Slipping Magnetic Reconnections with Multiple Flare Ribbons during an X-class Solar Flare,823,136, ApJ, 2016.

49.H.Q. Song, Z. Zhong,Y. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Cheng, L. Zhao, Q. Hu, and G. Li.,A Statistical Study of the Average Iron Charge State Distributions inside Magnetic Clouds for Solar Cycle 23,The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 224(2), article id. 27, 2016.

50.Yao Chen*, Guohui Du, Di Zhao, Zhao Wu,Wei Liu,Bing Wang, Shiwei Feng, and HongqiangSong,IMAGING A MAGNETIC-BREAKOUT SOLAR ERUPTION,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 820:L37 (8pp), 2016.

51.Zhao Wu,Yao Chen*, Guangli Huang, Hiroshi Nakajima, Hongqiang Song, Victor Melnikov,Wei Liu, Gang Li, Kalugodu Chandrashekhar, and Fangran Jiao,MICROWAVE IMAGING OF A HOT FLUX ROPE STRUCTURE DURINGTHE PRE-IMPULSIVE STAGE OF AN ERUPTIVE M7.7 SOLAR FLARE,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 820:L29 (7pp), 2016

52.Xiangliang Kong,Yao Chen, Fan Guo, Shiwei Feng, Guohui Du, and Gang Li,Electron Acceleration at a Coronal Shock Propagating Through a Large-scale Streamer-like Magnetic Field,The Astrophysical Journal, 821:32 (12pp), 2016.

53.Xiangliang Kong,Yao Chen,andFan Guo,The acceleration of electrons at a spherical coronal shock in a streamer-like coronalfield,AIP Conference Proceedings 1720, 070003 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4943840.

54.Ruisheng Zheng,Yao Chen, Guohui Du, and Chuanyang Li,Solar jet-coronal hole collision and acloselyrelated coronal mass ejection,819:L18 (7pp), 2016.

55.Jia Huang, Yong C.-M. Liu, Berndt Klecker,Yao Chen,Coincidence of Heliospheric Current Sheet andStream Interface: Implications for the Originand Evolution of the Solar Wind,Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 1, pp. 19-29, 2016.

56.Lulu Zhao, Gang Li, R. W. Ebert, M. A. Dayeh, M. I. Desai, G. M.Mason, Z. Wu,Y. Chen, Modeling transport of energetic particles in corotating interaction regions: A case study,Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, Volume 121, Issue 1, pp.77-92, 2016.



58.Guohui Du,Xiangliang Kong,Yao Chen*, Shiwei Feng, Bing Wang, and Gang Li,An observational revisit of band-split solar type-II radio bursts, 812:52, ApJ, 2015.

59.HongqiangSONG,YaoCHEN,JieZHANG, XinCHENG, BingWang, QiangHU, GangLI, and YumingWANG, Evidence of the solar EUV hot channel as a magnetic flux rope from remote-sensing and in situ observations, ApJL, 2015.

60.Hongqiang Song,Yao Chen, Jie Zhang, Xin Cheng, H. Fu, and Gang Li,ACCELERATION PHASES OF A SOLAR FILAMENT DURING ITS ERUPTION, ApJ,804:L38 (5pp), 2015 May 10.

61.H. Q. Song, J. Zhang,Y. Chen, X. Cheng, G. Li, and Y. M. Wang, First taste of a hot channel in interplanetary space, ApJL, 2015, 803:96,doi:10.1088/0004-637X/803/2/96.

62.V. Vasanth,Yao Chen*, Xiangliang Kong, and Bing Wang,Investigation on Geoeffectiveness of CMEs associated with IP type-II Radio Bursts, Solar Physics, 2015,DOI 10.1007/s11207-015-0713-0.

63.Shiwei Feng, Guohui Du,Yao Chen*,Xiangliang Kong, Gang Li, Fan Guo,Simultaneous Radio and EUV Imagingof a Multi-lane Coronal Type II Radio Burst, Solar Physics, 2015, 290:1195-1205,DOI 10.1007/s11207-015-0673-4.

64.Xiangliang Kong,Yao Chen*, et al., ThePossible Role of Coronal Streamer as Magnetically-closed Structuresin Shock-induced Energetic Electrons and Metric Type II Radio Bursts, ApJ, 798:81, 2015, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/798/2/81/.


65.Guohui Du,Yao Chen*,et al., Temporal spectral shift and polarization of a band-splitting solar type II radio burst, ApJ Letters, 2014,793:L39 (5pp).

66.Ding, Liu-Guan,Li, Gang2, Jiang, Yong, Le, Gui-Ming, Shen, Cheng-Long, Wang,Yu-Ming,Chen, Yao, Xu, Fei, Gu, Bin, Zhang, Ya-Nan,Interaction of two Coronal Mass Ejections 1 in the 2013 May 22 large Solar Energetic Particle event, ApJ, 2014,793:L35 (7pp).

67.H. Q. Song, J. Zhang,Y. Chen, and X. Cheng, Direct observations of magnetic flux rope formation during a solar coronal mass ejection, ApJ,792:L40 (6pp), 2014.

68.Yao Chen*, Guohui Du, Li Feng, Shiwei Feng, Xiangliang, Kong, Fan Guo, Bing Wang, and Gang Li,Asolartype II radio burst from CME-streamerinteraction: simultaneous radio and EUV imaging, ApJ,787:59 (7pp), 2014.

69.Guiping Ruan,Yao Chen*, Shuo Wang, Hongqi Zhang, Gang Li, Ju Jing, Jiangtao Su, Xing Li, Hairong Xu, Haiming Wang, A solar eruption driven by rapid sunspot rotation, ApJ,784:165, 2014.

70.H. Q. Song, J. Zhang, X. Cheng,Y. Chen, R. Liu, Y. M. Wang and B. Li, Temperature evolution of a magnetic flux rope in a failed solar eruption, ApJ,784:48, 2014.

71.ZhaoWu,YaoChen, GangLi, Y. Liu, R. W. Ebert, M. I. Desai, G. M. Mason, L. Zhao,F. Guo, C. L. Tang,Observation and modeling of a CIR pair event, ApJ,781:17, 2014.

72.Li,G.;Kong,X.;Chen,Y.;Zank,G.P.;Zhao,L,Electron Acceleration and Spectral Hardening of Continuum Emission in Solar Flares,Proceedings of a conference held 14-19 April 2013 at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA. Edited by Qiang Hu and Gary P. Zank. ASP Conference Series, Vol. 484, 2014, p.123.


73.XiangLiangKong, GangLi, andYaoChen, A statistical study on spectral hardening in gamma-ray solar flares, ApJ,774:140 (8pp),2013.

74.Hong-qiang Song,Yao Chen*,D. D. Ye, G. Q. HAN, G. H. Du, G. Li, J. Zhang, Q.Hu,A study on fast flareless CMEs, A study on fast flareless CMEs, ApJ, 773: 129, 2013

75.Gang Li, X. L. Kong, G. Zank,YaoChen, On the spectral hardening at > 300 keV in solar flares, ApJL,769:22, 2013.

76.C. L. Shen, GangLi, X, L. Kong, J. Hu, X. D. Sun, L. Ding,Y. Chen, Y. M. Wang,Compound twin coronal mass ejections in the 2012 May 17 GLE event,the Astrophysical Journal, 2013, 763:114 (8pp), 2013 February 1.

77.Yao Chen*, A Review of Recent Studies on Coronal Dynamics: Streamers, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Their Interactions, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(14): 1599-1624, 2013.

78.S. W. Feng,Y. Chen*,X.L. Kong, GangLi, H.Q. Song, X. S. Feng, &F. Guo, Diagnostics on the source properties of type II radio burst with spectral bumps, the Astrophysical Journal,767:29, 2013.


79.S.W. Feng,Y. Chen*, X.L. Kong, GangLi, H.Q. Song, X. S. Feng, & Ying Liu,Radio signatures of CME-streamer interactions and sourcediagnostics of Type-II radio bursts, the Astrophysical Journal, 753: 21, 2012.

80.X. L. Kong,Y. Chen*, GangLi, S. W. Feng, H. Q. Song, F. Guo and F. R. Jiao, A Broken Solar Type II Radio Burst Induced by a Coronal Shock Propagating across the Streamer Boundary, the Astrophysical Journal, 750, 158 (7pp), 2012.

81.H.Q. Song,Y. Chen, G. Li, X.L. Kong, S. W. Feng,Coalescence of macroscopic magnetic islands and electronacceleration from STEREO observation, Physical Review X,2, 021015 (2012).

82.Hong-Qiang Song, Xiang-Liang Kong,Yao Chen*, Bo Li, Gang Li, Shi-Wei Feng, Li-Dong Xia, A Statistical Study on the Ray Morphology and Blob Dynamics in the Wake of Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Physics, 2012,DOI 10.1007/s11207-011-9848-9.

83.Li Bo,YaoChen,andLi-dongXia,What geometrical factors determine the in situ solar wind speed, Chinese Science Bulletin,57(12), pp 1409-1414, 2012.


84.S.W. Feng,Y. Chen*,B. Li,H.Q. Song,X.L. Kong, L. D. Xia, and X. S. Feng, Streamer wave events observed in Solar Cycle 23, Solar Physics, 2011,DOI 10.1007/s11207-011-9814-6

85.Y. Chen*,S. W. Feng, B. Li,H. Q. Song, L. D. Xia,& X. Li,A Coronal Seismological Study with Streamer Waves, the Astrophysical Journal,728: 147,2011.

86.Li Bo, Li-dong Xia, andYaoChen,Solar winds along curved magnetic field lines, Astro. Astrophys.,529, A148,2011.


87.Zhang, M., L. D. Xia, H. Tian, andY. Chen,Signatures of transition region explosive events in hydrogen Ly-beta profiles, Astron. Astrophys., 520, A37,2010.

88.Li, Xing; Lu, Quanming;Chen, Yao; Li, Bo; Xia, Lidong,A Kinetic Alfvén Wave and the Proton Distribution Function in the Fast Solar Wind,The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 719, Issue 2, pp. L190-L193,2010.

89.Liu K., L. D. Xia,Y. Chen, and H. Q. Song, Statistical study on the relationship between halo CME and coronal dimming, Science in China: E (53), No. 7, 2020-2034, 2010.

90.Y. Chen*, H. Q. Song, B. Li, L. D. Xia, Z. Wu, H. Fu, & X. Li,Streamer Waves Driven by Coronal Mass Ejections, the Astrophysical Journal,714: 644-651, 2010.


91.Song, H. Q.,Y. Chen*, K. Liu, S. W. Feng, and L. D. Xia,Quasi-Periodic Releases of Streamer Blobs and Velocity Variability of the Slow Solar Wind near the Sun,Solar Physics, 258, 129-140, 2009.

92.Chen, Y.*, X. Li, H. Q. Song, Q. Q. Shi, Sh. W. Feng, and L. D. Xia,Intrinsic Instability of Coronal Streamers, the Astrophysical Journal,691:1936–1942, 2009.

93.Shi, Q. Q., Q.-G. Zong, H. Zhang, Z. Y. Pu, S. Y. Fu, L. Xie,Y. Chen, L. Li, L. D. Xia, Z. X. Liu, A. N. Fazakerley, H. Reme, and E. Lucek,Cluster observations of the entry layer equatorward of the Cusp under northward IMF,JGR,VOL. 114, A12219,doi:10.1029/2009JA014475, 2009.

94.Shi, Q. Q.,Z. Y. Pu, J. Soucek, Q.-G. Zong, S. Y. Fu, L. Xie,Y.Chen, H. Zhang, L. Li, L. D. Xia, Z. X. Liu, E. Lucek A. N. Fazakerley,and H. Reme,Spatial structures of magnetic depression in the Earths High-altitude Cusp: Cluster multi-point Observations,J. G. R.,VOL. 114, A10202, doi:10.1029/2009JA014283, 2009.


95.Chen, Y., Y. Q. Hu, and L. D. Xia,Two energy release processes for CMEs: MHD Catastrophe and Magnetic Reconnection, Advances in Space Research, 40(12), 1780-1786, 2007.

96.Chen, Y., Y. Q. Hu, and S. J. Sun,Catastrophic eruption of magnetic flux rope in the corona and solar wind with and without magnetic reconnection, the Astrophysical Journal, 665, 1421-1427, 2007.

97.Sun, S. J., Hu, Y. Q., and Y. Chen, Influence of photospheric magnetic flux distribution on coronal flux rope catastrophe, the Astrophysical Journal (letter), 654, L167-170, 2007.

98.Li, J. W.,Y. Chen, and Z. Y. Li,On the non-modal self-heating phenomenon in shear flows, Physics of Plasmas, 13, 042101, 2006.

99.Li, J.W., Y. Chen, and Z. Y. Li, Velocity shear induced wave transformations in the magnetopause boundary layer, Chinese Journal of Geophysics (地球物理学报), 2006(1).

100.Chen, Y., G. Q. Li, and Y. Q. Hu,Force balance analysis of a coronal magnetic flux rope in equilibrium or eruption, the Astrophysical Journal, 649, 1093, 2006.

101.Chen, Y., X. H. Chen, and Y. Q. Hu,Catastrophe of coronal flux rope in unsheared and sheared bipolar magnetic fields, the Astrophysical Journal, 644, 587, 2006.

102.Chen, Y.,Reproducing the UVCS/SOHO measurements in the slow wind source region at solar minimum, Advances in Space Research, 36, 1461-1467, 2005.

103.Chen, Y.,Velocity shear induced transition of magnetohydrodynamic to kinetic Alfven waves, Physics of Plasmas, 12, 052110, doi: 10.1063/1.1899664, 2005.

104.Chen, Y., and X. Li,An ion-cyclotron resonance driven three-fluid model of the slow wind near the Sun, the Astrophysical Journal (letters), 609:L41-L44, 2004.

105.Chen, Y., Z. Y. Li, J. W. Li, and S. P. Duan,A study on the charging characteristics and equilibrium potential of dust grains in comets, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics,28(2),183-187,2004.

106.Chen, Y., R. Esser, L. Strachan, and Y. Q. Hu,Stagnated outflow ofO+5ions in the source region of the slow solar wind at solar minimum, the Astrophysical Journal, 602:415-421, 2004.

107.Chen, Y., R. Esser, and Y. Q. Hu,Numerical modeling of the halo electrons in the fast solarwind,Journal ofGeophysicalResearch,108(A10), 1371, doi:10.1029/2003JA009957, 2003.

108.Chen, Y., R. Esser, and Y. Q. Hu,Formation of minor ion charge states in the fastsolar wind: roles of differential flow speeds of ions of the same element, the Astrophysical Journal,582:467-474, 2003.

109.Hu, Y. Q., S. R. Habbal, Y. Chen, and X. Li, Are coronal holes the only source of fast solar wind at solar minimum?, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(A10), 1377, doi:10.1029/2002JA009776, 2003.

110.R. Esser, O. Lie-Svendsen, R. Edgar, and Y. Chen, Observational and theoretical constraints on the heating and acceleration of the fast solar wind, AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 679, Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, doi:10.1063/1.1618588, p.249, 2003.

111.Chen, Y., R. Esser, and Y. Q. Hu,A theoretical model for O+5/ O+7ions in the fast solar wind, Journal of Geophysical Research,107(A11),1368,doi:10.1029/2002JA009341, 2002.

112.Chen, Y., and Y. Q. Hu,Effect of flow tube geometry on solar wind properties,Astrophysics and Space Science, 282(2),447-460, 2002.

113.Chen, Y., and Y. Q. Hu,A two-dimensional Alfvén wave-driven solar wind model,Solar Physics, 199, 371-384, 2001.

114.Chen, Y.,Z. Y. Li, W. Liu, and Z. D. Shi,Solitary kinetic Alfvén waves in the inertial limit region,Physics of Plasmas, 7(1), 371-374, 2000.

115.Duan, S. P., Z. Y. Li, andY. Chen,Solitary kinetic Alfvén waves in the inertial limit region with low-beta plasma, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 46 (3): 295-298, 2003.

116.Li, Z. Y., S. P. Duan,Y. Chen, and B. L. Ma,The influence of comet passage on the magnetosphere, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 25(3), 381-389, 2001.

117.Y. Chen, Z. Y. Li, and Z. D. Shi,Equilibrium Potential of Dust Grains in Cometary Plasma Environments, Proceedings of the Observations and Physical Studies of Comet Hale-Bopp and Other Comets, Editors: Zhao Junliang and Wan Ningshan, p.189, 2000.

118.Z. Y. Li,Y. Chen, and B. L. Ma,Magnetospheric disturbance caused from the Comet Hyakutake's plasmas,Proceedings of Observations and Physical Studies of Comet Hale-Bopp and Other Comets, Editors: Zhao Junliang and Wan Ningshan, p.251, 2000.

119.Li, Z. Y., D. S. Tang, X. Y. Wang,Y. Chenand Z. D. Shi,Maser effect of dust plasma in space and the langmuir radiation caused by it, Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23(1), 120-128, 1999.

120.Li, Z. Y., Z. D. Shi, andY. Chen,A storage process of magnetic energy from the unsteady plasma flow field in the disturbance regions of cometary tail and atmosphere, Publications of Purple Mountain Observatory, 17(2), 1998.

121.Shi, Z. D., Z. Y. Li, andY. Chen,Disruption of charged dust grains in cometary plasma environments, Chinese Physics Letters, 15(2), 155-158, 1998.

Invited Talks at International Conferences

1)Y. Chen, and Zh. Peng, Theoretical studies on heavy ions in the slow wind from quiescent streamer edges, COSPAR (D2.3/E3.3), Beijing, 2006.

2)Y. Chen, S. J. Sun and Y. Q. Hu, Catastrophic eruption of magnetic flux rope in the corona and solar wind with and without magnetic reconnection, Session ST6-10 From CMEs to BBFs, the 4th Asia and Oceania Geophysics Society (AOGS) meeting, Bangkok, July 30-Aug 4, 2007.

3)Y. Chen,Streamer activities: from blobs to blow-outs,The Third International SymposiumOn KuaFu Project (ISKP-III), Sept. 14-Sept. 19, 2008, Kunming.

4)Y. Chen, Coronal Streamers and Associated Activities,The 2nd Asia-Pacific School on International Heliophysical Year,Oct. 20-Oct. 31, 2008,Beijing, China.

5)Y. Chen, X. Li et al., Intrinsic Instability of Coronal Streamers: periodic releases of plasma blobs, EGU General Assembly,19 - 24 April 2009, Vienna, Austria.

6)Y. Chen et al., Contraction and coalescence of macroscopic magnetic islands and electron acceleration from STEREO observation, West Lake International Symposium on Plasma Simulation,April 18-20,Hangzhou, China, 2012.

7)Y. Chen et al., CME-streamer Interaction and Its Implication on Particle Acceleration,AOGS – AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, Aug. 12-18,Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore,2012.

8)Y. Chen et al., Recent Studies on CME-streamer Interactions, AGU-Fall meeting, Dec. 3-7, San Francisco, CA, USA,2012.

9)Y. Chen et al., Recent studies on solar type II radio bursts,theAOGS 11th Annual MeetinginSapporo, Japanon 28 July - 1 August, 2014.

10)Y. Chen et al., A solar flux-rope filament eruption driven by rapid sunspot rotation,theAOGS 11th Annual MeetinginSapporo, Japanon 28 July - 1 August, 2014.

11)Y. Chen et al., Type-II radio bursts, the13th Solar terrestrial Physics symposium (STP13) in Xian, China,October 12-18, 2014.

12)Yao Chen, Coronal HXR Double-source Structure Associated With A Magnetic Breakout Solar Eruption, the 2016 Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) annual meeting, Beijing, China, July 2016.

13)Yao Chen, An Eruptive hot-channel structure observed at metric wavelength as a moving type-IV solar radio burst, The 14th Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) annual meeting, Singapore, Aug. 6-11, 2017.

14)Yao Chen,DoubleCoronal X-ray and Microwave Sources,7th East-Asia School and Workshop on Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas (EASW-7), Weihai, July 24 to July 29, 2017.

15)Yao Chen, Initiation and Energy Release Mechanism of Solar Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and Associated Solar Radio Bursts, Invited Lecture (80 minutes),8th East-Asia School and Workshop on Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas(EASW-8),Daejeon, South Korea,July 30 (Mon), 2018 ~ August 03 (Fri), 2018.

16)Yao Chen, V. Vasanth, Chuanyang Li,Observational Characteristics and Possible Emission MechanismofMoving Type-IV Solar Radio Bursts,the2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, Kanazawa, Japan 12-17Nov.2018.

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