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Haizeng (Ryan) Li

Release date : Mar 30, 2021 office viewed :


Haizeng (Ryan) Li

Phone Number







Qilu young scholar





Graduate School





State Key Laboratory for Modification of Chemical Fibers and Polymer Materials, Donghua University

Materials Science




Qingdao University of Science & Technology

Inorganic Non-Metallic Materials Engineering

Work Experience:







City University of Hong Kong

Research Associate



University of Alberta

Postdoctoral fellow

Research Interests:

Dr. Haizeng Li has been devoted to the research of electrochromic devices for years. (1) He creatively proposed a one-step solvothermal method for the fabrication of high-performance electrochromic films, he also developed the low-cost high-stability aqueous electrochromic inks. (2) He created the zinc-anode-based electrochromic device for the first time, which solved the energy consumption and electrical circuit issues of conventional electrochromic devices. He also proposed the strategy that a hybrid electrolyte system would significantly improve the performance of the zinc-anode-based electrochromic devices and devoted to the research of the integration of the solar cells and electrochromic smart windows for the next-generation green building. (3) He developed the new electrochromic display model having energy retrieval functionality, which solved the high energy consumption, the counter electrode design, and the color variability issues concerned with the conventional electrochromic devices. He had published 17 SCI papers as the first author and the corresponding author during the latest 5 years, which includes articles published in highly respected journals such as Joule, Advanced Materials (2 articles), Light: Science & Applications, and Nano Energy. In which, 1 paper is selected as ESI Hot paper, and 2 papers are selected as ESI highly cited paper. He holds 1 US patent and 1 Canadian patent that was under progress. He serves as a reviewer or adjudicative reviewer for many journals, including Advanced Materials, Light: Science & Applications, Advanced Energy Materials, and Nature Communications. He also was invited as a speaker to introduce the electrochromic devices in a seminar held by the journal named Nano-Micro Letters (IF: 12.3).

Selected Publication:

[1] H. Li*, C. J. Firby, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Rechargeable aqueous hybrid Zn2+/Al3+ electrochromic batteries. Joule, 2019, 3, 2268. (SCI, IF=29.155, ESIHOT Paper、Highly Cited paper)

(Highlighted by Chinese website:https://nyxr-home.com/25609.html)

[2] W. Zhang, H. Li*, W. W. Yu, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Transparent inorganic multicolour displays enabled by zinc-based electrochromic devices. Light: Science & Applications, 2020, 9, 121. (SCI, IF=13.714)

(Highlight ed by AAAS: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-07/lpcc-tim071420.php.

Phys.org: https://phys.org/news/2020-07-transparent-inorganic-multicolour-enabled-zinc-based.html.

Chinese Optics: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/k90KnCtIEG4W_p5CLZXFjg. )

[3] H. Li*, W. Zhang, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Transparent zinc-mesh electrodes for solar-charging electrochromic windows. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 2003574. (SCI, IF=27.398)

[4] H. Li*, L. McRae, C. J. Firby, M. Al-Hussein, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Rechargeable aqueous electrochromic batteries utilizing Ti-substituted tungsten molybdenum oxide based Zn2+ ion intercalation cathodes. Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 1807065. (SCI, IF=27.398, ESIHighly Cited paper)

[5] H. Li*, L. McRae, C. J. Firby, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Nanohybridization of molybdenum oxide with tungsten molybdenum oxide nanowires for solution-processed fully reversible switching of energy storing smart windows. Nano Energy, 2018, 47, 130. (SCI, IF=16.602)

(Highlighted by LaserFocusWorld:



[6] W. Zhang, H. Li*, E. Hopmann, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Nanostructured inorganic electrochromic materials for light applications. Nanophotonics, 2020, 10, 825. (SCI, IF=7.491,Invited Review Article)

[7] H. Li*, A. Y. Elezzabi, Simultaneously enabling dynamic transparency control and electrical energy storage via electrochromism. Nanoscale Horizons, 2020, 5, 691. (SCI, IF=9.927)

[8] W. Zhang, H. Li*, M. Al-Hussein, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Electrochromic battery displays with energy retrieval functions using solution-processable colloidal vanadium oxide nanoparticles. Advanced Optical Materials, 2020, 8, 1901224. (SCI, IF=8.286)

[9] H. Li*, L. McRae, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Solution-processed interfacial PEDOT:PSS assembly into porous tungsten molybdenum oxide nanocomposite films for electrochromic applications. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10, 10520. (SCI, IF=8.758)

[10] W. Zhang, H. Li*, C. J. Firby, M. Al-Hussein, A. Y. Elezzabi*, Oxygen-vacancy-tunable electrochemical properties of electrodeposited molybdenum oxide films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 20378. (SCI, IF=8.758)

[11] H. Li, J. Li, C. Hou*, D. Ho*, Q. Zhang, Y. Li, H. Wang*, Solution-processed porous tungsten molybdenum oxide electrodes for energy storage smart windows. Advanced Materials Technologies, 2017, 2, 1700047. (SCI, IF=5.969)

[12] H. Li, C. Chen, M. Cui, G. Cai, A. Eh, P. S. Lee*, H. Wang*, Q. Zhang, Y. Li*, Spray coated ultrathin films from aqueous tungsten molybdenum oxide nanoparticle ink for high contrast electrochromic applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 33. (SCI, IF=7.059)

[13] H. Li, J. Wang, Q. Shi, M. Zhang, C. Hou*, G. Shi, H. Wang*, Q. Zhang, Y. Li, Q. Chi*, Constructing three-dimensional quasi-vertical nanosheet architectures from self-assemble two-dimensional WO3·2H2O for efficient electrochromic devices. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 380, 281. (SCI, IF=6.182)

[14] H. Li, G. Shi, H. Wang*, Q. Zhang, Y. Li *, Self-seeded growth of nest-like hydrated tungsten trioxide film directly on FTO substrate for highly enhanced electrochromic performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 11305. (SCI, IF=11.301)

Copyright Institute of Frontier and Interdisciplinary Science,Shandong University

Address:324 East Building,Huagang Count,72 Jimobinhai Road,Qingdao City,Shandong Province

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